Trusted Southern Ohio Attorneys

What is the difference between divorce and dissolution in Ohio?

On Behalf of | Feb 26, 2021 | Family Law

The end of a marriage can be difficult for an Ohio resident. When it comes time to separate one’s life from that of their partner, a Hamilton resident may have many questions about what they have to do. Knowing that Ohio recognizes divorces and dissolutions can be confusing.

This post will provide information on both divorce and dissolution in Ohio. No legal advice is conveyed herein. When readers form their own questions on these and other family law subjects, they can direct their inquiries to trusted divorce and family law attorneys in their communities.

The role of fault in the end of a marriage

The factor that distinguishes a divorce from a dissolution is fault. Fault happens when the actions of one party are the reason that the party and their spouse want to end their marriage. In Ohio, a divorce is granted when fault is alleged. Some of the grounds of fault recognized in the state are adultery, cruelty, willful absence for at least a year, and habitual drunkenness. Individuals who wish to end their marriages based on fault can talk to their trusted family law attorneys about their plans.

The no-fault dissolution option

Many marriages end because of fault, but many others end because the parties want to move on with their lives without their relationships intact. When this happens, the parties to a marriage may seek to end their relationship in a dissolution. A dissolution ends a marriage but does not require fault to be processed.

There is more to ending a marriage than just fault. When two people wish to untangle their lives they must work out many matters related to their money, property, children, and debts so that they can begin their single lives without ties to their former lives. Dedicated family law attorneys can offer guidance and advocacy for men and women who are ready to end their marriages in divorce and dissolution.

